Safety is a continuous issue for your aging adult and for you as her caregiver. You might think that checking everything out once or even twice is plenty, but your senior’s abilities change over time. The home she’s living in needs continual repair as well, making regular safety updates an important function of caregiving.
They Can Help Her Mobility
Your elderly family member’s mobility is crucial for helping her to remain as safe as possible. If she’s unable to move safely through her home, that can mean trouble for her both now and in the future. Look for ways to clear paths and to make sure that your senior has the freedom of movement that she very much needs.
They Can Help Her to Be More Independent
Very often aging adults worry that having a caregiver more involved in their lives will cause them to gradually lose their independence. The reality is that the safety updates that you do and the changes that you make can help her to be even more self-sufficient and independent. This happens because you’re meeting your senior’s needs and not trying to keep her locked into systems that only work in certain circumstances.
They Improve Her Overall Security
As you concern yourself with your elderly family member’s safety, you’re also addressing her overall security. She’ll feel safer at home and more able to handle situations if they should pop up. You might consider, for instance, getting her a personal alarm system that allows her to call for help if she should need it. Not only is this a safety update for your aging adult, but it also helps her to feel more secure as well.
They Make Her Home More Comfortable
The safer and more secure your elderly family member is in her home, the more comfortable she’s going to be there. This is incredibly important if she wants to age in place. When she’s able to access what she needs and she knows that she’s safe while doing so, your elderly family member will be better able to relax and enjoy this stage of her life for as long as she’s able to do so.
Spotting safety hazards is intimidating at first, especially if you’re new to caregiving. Hiring senior care providers is a great way to get some help from someone with experience in figuring out safety concerns for aging adults. They can give you concrete tips that you can use right now and in the future.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elderly Care in Claremont, CA, contact the caring staff at No Place Like Home Homecare today at 951-382-5266.
About Kristi Duran
Kristi Duran is the owner of No Place Like Home Homecare. Kristi started NPLH because of her absolute love for seniors. She was raised by her grandparents from the day she was born. Kristi has a special connection to seniors and understands their wishes and needs to stay independent.
Kristi has worked in the medical field for years and has seen first-hand how aging seniors want nothing more than to age in the comfort of their own home with dignity and grace. At NPLH, she and her caregivers insure that this happens.
NPLH is not a large franchise. It is a personal family owned homecare service. This insures a one on one personalized touch. Kristi is available 24 hours a day to her clients and their families.